LAWYER for Good People | JD Marketing Professor | Hiking Lawyers
| Bukulmez Legal PLLC | The best views come into our lives after the worst climbs. See the challenge as an invitation to find the best guide. Reach out to us for guidance in immigration, personal injury, and social security disability. Our email address is
We would love to hear from you. Yaşamınızın en güzel günleri bazen en zorlu günlerden sonra gelir. Sorunları dert olarak değil birer davetiye olarak görmeyi öğrendiğimizde çözümler bizi bulur. Sorunlarınızı size en iyi kılavuz olacak kişileri bulmak için davetiye olarak görmeniz dileğiyle…
Her türlü göçmenlik, kaza, yaralanma ve social security disability çözümleriniz için bize email gönderiniz: #immigration#injury#kaza#yaralanma#göçmenlikABD#greencard#Americancitizenship#socialsecuritydisability#investorvisa#Americanvisa
#lawyers, if we are not part of the solution, is our work really meaningful? As an #immigrationlawyer, I have begun helping immigrants practice their English at Clubhouse every Sunday at 5:00 pm EST. Join me for fun, educational, and sometimes funny conversations.
Join us this Sunday at Clubhouse if you’d like to practice your English with me. @bukulmezlegal #immigrationlawyer#injurylawyer#socialsecuritydisabilitylawyerClubhouse is an app for iPhones only for now.
I hope it will be available for all phones soon If you’d like to reach our office for your #immigration, injury, or social security disability questions, you can email us at
If you do get in an accident (we call them collisions), call our office at (859) 412-2235. You can also email us at If you are hurt, seek medical help immediately. Police reports help prevent the “he said she said” conflict. Do not post any details of the incident where it can be found and used against you by the opposing party or the insurance companies.
Stay safe
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