Shaban's of Andover
Buy quality menswear with Shaban’s of Andover now! Try another unique product with our tailor, contact us now! Owner and master tailor of Shaban’s of A. Offering over 50 years of custom tailoring and retail experience.
Mr. Çatalbas welcomes any challenge with a smile and promises quality changes.
His talented personality has made a positive impact in the lives of many people. Shaban’s of Andover has been voted best in menswear and tailoring for many years.
Shaban’s son Zafer will greet you with a warm and sincere smile along with Christina Cipro, a storekeeper and stylist who has contributed to his menswear experience for more than 25 years.
Address: 9 Main Street, Andover, MA 01810, ABD
Phone: +1 978-475-5996
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