Turkish Ud Lessons Claimed

Ud Performance, Makam Theory, Music History

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Turkish Ud Lessons Adem Merter Birson

About Us:

Adem Merter Birson holds a Ph.D. in Musicology from Cornell University (2015). Dr. Birson has studied the Turkish ud with the greatest masters in Turkey, including Yurdal Tokcan, Necati Çelik, and Alper Karaağaçlı. He is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of music theory at Hofstra University, in Long Island, New York.

How learn to play Ud?

I offer online  Turkish UD lessons from beginner to advanced. The lessons are for 1 hour or for 30 minutes. You will learn how to play the UD, makam theory, and how to perform pieces and play taksims (improvisations). For further info, please contact me at abirson@ gmail.com  



Learn how to perform masterworks of the Turkish classical repertoire with correct intonation and ornamentation. Cover simple to advanced techniques for the plectrum (mızrap) and fingerboard.

Learn the importance of hammering (çarpma) to the Turkish musical aesthetic. Discover the Turkish makam system and learn how to improvise. Meets once per week, four weeks at a time via Zoom or Skype.



Understand the basics of ud through the study of simple repertoire. Learn how to play with proper intonation. Includes a primer on the characteristic melodies that make up the various modes of the makam system. Learn basic ornamentation, including how to hold the plectrum (mızrap) and ornament using hammering (çarpma). Meets once per week, four weeks at a time via Zoom or Skype.


As Turkish Oud Lessons, we offer you the time to teach in the highest quality and to provide a happy learning process together with our smiling faces! You can apply to our courses as you wish, whether you come with your family or from our website. You can contact us with any questions you may have. Then we are waiting for you here!



Address: 707 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh, NY 11793, USA
Telephone: (516) 329-2730
E-mail:  abirson@gmail.com
Website: Click Here
Other Website: Click Here
YouTube Link: Click Here

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Q How long does it take to teach your students the oud instrument?

We are with each of our students throughout their development. We strive to teach as soon as possible.